(949) 679-3535


Please always read and follow label directions.

Tide Acephate 90 WDG
Compare to Orthene®
This foliar insecticide controls thrips, plant bugs, aphids and stink bugs with an easily dispersible formulation.

Read: Label | MSDS (SDS)

State Registrations.

Tide Acephate 97% SG
Compare to Orthene®
A higher concentration of the active ingredient formulated as soluble granules.

Read: Label | MSDS (SDS)

State Registrations.

Tide Imidacloprid 2F
Compare to Admire®
Controls numerous insects, including aphids, whiteflies and thrips. Can also be used as a seed treatment.

Read: Label MSDS (SDS)

State Registrations.

Tide Imidacloprid 2F T&O
Compare to Merit®
Insecticide for foliar and systemic insect control in turfgrass (including sod farms), ornamentals, fruit and nut trees, vegetable plants, greenhouses, nurseries and interior plantscapes.

Read: Label | MSDS (SDS)

State Registrations.

Tide Imidacloprid 4F
Compare to Admire Pro®
Controls numerous insects, including aphids, whiteflies and thrips. Can also be used as a seed treatment.

Read: Label I MSDS (SDS)

State Registrations.

Tide Diflubenzuron 2SC
Compare to Dimilin®
Acaricide/insecticide (insect growth regulator) used to control many leaf-eating larvae of insects feeding on agricultural, forest and ornamental plants (e.g. gypsy moths, mosquito larvae, rust mites). Used primarily on cattle, citrus, cotton, mushrooms, ornamentals, standing water, forestry trees and in programs to control mosquito larvae and gypsy moth populations.

Read: Label | MSDS (SDS)

State Registrations.